

  • Purchase, possession, or consumption by persons under the age of twenty-one; violation, penalty.
  1. 未满21岁者不得持有, 消费, 获得, 或购买, 或试图获得或购买, 含酒精的酒,法律规定的除外.
  2. 十八(18)岁或以上但不满二十一(21)岁的人违反本条,属于轻罪,可处以不少于一百美元(100美元)的罚款.不超过250美元(250美元).00). 除了这样的罚款, 法院可以命令违法者履行四十(40)小时的公共服务.
  • 21岁以下的人谎报年龄.
  1. 任何未满二十一岁(21)的人不得表示他或她已达到要求的年龄, 向任何人购买或接受含酒精的酒类,但法律授权的情况除外.
  • 公共场所消费.
  1. 任何人在公共街道上饮用或饮用含酒精的酒类均属违法, 小巷, 道路或高速公路, 或者其他公众可以进入的地方, 是否收取入场费或其他费用, 在公共街道上的车辆内, 小巷, 道路, or highways; upon property owned by the state or any governmental subdivision thereof except that this prohibition shall not apply to the Old Santa Fe Freight Depot, near Tenth and Main Streets; the Atchison Heritage Conference Center building; nor shall it apply to that room in Atchison City Hall situated adjacent to the city commission meeting room commonly referred to as the city commission conference room, 也不适用于下列指定地区, 500 and 600 blocks of the mall for city commission-approved events; the 100 block of the River Road continuing to Independence Park for city commission-approved events; designated areas within Warnock Lake for city commission-approved events and any other areas where community celebrations are conducted upon approval of the city commission.

http://library.municode.com/ks/atchison/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId = PTIGEOR_CH5ALBE


未满21岁的人持有大麻是违法的, 消费, 在堪萨斯州获得或购买酒精饮料或谷物麦芽饮料, 除非法律授权. 的 堪萨斯州酒类管制法(pdf) 由堪萨斯州税收酒精饮料控制部门在第41-727章提供了关于未成年人购买或消费酒精饮料的详细信息.